राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,पटना

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Patna

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India
Emblem of india


NIELIT Centre, Patna was established in the year 2008 and is operational from its Permanent Campus at Bihta (Near IIT Patna), with an objective to co-ordinate the activities of the various NIELIT Centres in the Eastern Region and to undertake pro-active role for promotion of NIELIT activities in the region thereby, extending the access of NIELIT to promote knowledge and skill development in Information, Electronics and Communications Technology (IECT) at various levels which will meet the requirement of the industry, thereby making the overall development of the region specially in Bihar State.

NIELIT Patna is now going to launch its prestigious National Skill Quality Framework (NSQF) aligned courses with its accredited institutes for Software Courses/For Hardware Courses/ Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) / NIELIT Facilitation Center/ CCAC Centres in online and blended mode. Where all theory classes will be provided by NIELIT Patna Centre through online classes and students can complete their practical session at our nearest infrastructure partner which are listed in the website. The facilities provided to the students are as follows:

  •   Online Classes through Cisco WebEx
  •   Online access to NIELIT Patna E-Learning Portal, which includes:
  •   Access to E-Content
  •   Recorded videos and PPT of online classes
  •   Online assignment
  •   Online Assessment
  •   Large Question Bank for practice
  •   Lab through virtual lab and various Electronics simulation software's like Pspice (OrCAD), Multisim, LabVIEW, uVision5 (for embedded), Xilinx ISE (VLSI) etc. for electronics courses.
  •   Physical Assistance through facility at nearest Infrastructure Partner.


Help Desk:

For any Query, Mail us at - patna@nielit.gov.in

Contact Us:

(09:00 AM To 5:30 PM( Mon-Fri only)
Total Visitors Count: 28420

Contact US:

NIELIT Patna Centre, Near IIT Patna, Amhara, Bihta, Patna(Bihar) -801106.
Mobile:  +91-6287942205
email: patna@nielit.gov.in
For More visit our Website: https://www.nielit.gov.in/patna

Working Hours

(09:00 AM To 5:30 PM( Monday-Friday only)