राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,पटना

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Patna

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India
Emblem of india
Industrial Training & Internship in Internet of Things(IoT)(4 Week) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship on Web Development using PHP & MySQL.(4 Week) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship on AutoCAD Electrical(4 Week) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship on Embedded Systems(4 Week) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training and Internship on PCB and Circuit Designing(4 WEEK) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship on Machine Learning using Python(4 Week) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Data Science using Python Programming(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Machine Learning using Python Programming(6 Weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in LT Spice Analog Electronics simulation(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial training & Internship in IoT using Raspberry Pi(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial training & Internship in Big Data Analytics(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training / Internship in Full Stack Web development (8 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Project Training(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Internet of Things (6 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Full Stack Web Development.(6 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Machine Learning using Python Programming(8 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Industrial training and internship in ArtificialIntelligence(AI)(6 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Artificial Intelligence(AI)(4 months) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Java Programming(4 week) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Full Stack Web Development.(4 weeks) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Web Development(4 MONTHS) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Internet Of Things(6 months) ENROLL NOW
Internship in Artificial Intelligence(6 months) ENROLL NOW
Industrial Training & Internship in Front-End Web Development(6 weeks) ENROLL NOW

Contact US:

NIELIT Patna Centre, Near IIT Patna, Amhara, Bihta, Patna(Bihar) -801106.
Mobile:  +91-6287942205
email: patna@nielit.gov.in
For More visit our Website: https://www.nielit.gov.in/patna

Working Hours

(09:00 AM To 5:30 PM( Monday-Friday only)